Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Mistakes happen

Well that's perfectly true and fact for everyone on this earth, the past, the present, the future.


What is important and useful is that you learn from it, make yourself better and grow. 

Rather than sitting crying over it and thinking that now nothing good can happen. 

Mindset, your thoughts, your wish, your will to do something and get over it is very important. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Big, Huge and what not

You are big, you are huge. 

You have big, you have huge. 

But, if you are not useful when needed, you simply don't exist. 

Friday, August 16, 2024


Trying to clear the mental cobwebs and see people as they see me. 

Value them as they value you. 

They don't have time for you, reply it back with no time. 

Updating contacts

I had almost 3500 plus people in my contact list. 

Removed the clutter and now it's about 1100 plus. 

Cleaning in progress. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Much has happened

Too many events, too many things have happened in the last few or say couple of years. 

Where I stand today? 

Where I was back couple of years ? 

Where I will be in next couple of years ? 

Where I will be in next decade ? 

Too much of stuff. Lots of thoughts. Actions stuck.

Clearing cobwebs in mind, heart and body.

Just random writings

 Cant even write random thoughts, its so much of thoughts going inside, cant even concentrate to write on anything at all.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Back, blogging after a long time

Well, it's been a long time i penned my thoughts. It's almost a year now. 

Let's start writing in varied topics. 


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Dawoodi Bohra links

Im trying to compile a list of all trusts ngo's societies groups etc that give financial aid to dawoodi bohra mumineen world wide -- in various fields i.e. education, business, medical etc.

If you know any or have any links please share in comments or email me shabbir at shahiraj dot com

#dawoodibohra #mumineen

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Time flies

Will it's said that time flies. Literally time does fly. It waits for none, be it small or big, kids or adult, fit or unwell, time flies. 

How you spend the time, live with the time, and plan for the future time decides how and what you become. Take time to decide and then stick to the goal, the road may have to change, the plans may have to change, if plan a does not work, try the remaining 25 characters. If needed add another 26 characters, but the goal should always remain constant. If necessary break the goal into small achievable milestones, but think of the bigger goal and you will be able to do it, inshallah.